Welcome To My Art Shop! -Wah

About Wah

My preferred name is Wachy or Wah for short and I make whatever I want.


äRTë by Wah is a name I came up with in early 2020. It's based around my full name and initials ( R.T ) äR being Rachel and Të being Telles. Luckily, the word äRTë means art in Spanish which is also my first language. I remember being at my grandmas in Puerto Rico when I was young and I was staring at a huge painting she had hung up on the wall. I noticed the signature and I thought about what I would sign if I were a painter. I thought about R.T and how it almost sound like I'm saying art in Spanish. I don't stick to any particular art style, whatever I need to let out is what comes out no matter the method. Well, enough with the boring details, make sure to follow me on Instagram if you'd like to read my rambles and see more of my art!

p.s Thank you for visiting my website!
